Facebook Flowchart with Filters?

A Christmas Carol There's a line in a Frank Sinatra Christmas song that goes like this " Overeating, merry greetings from relatives you don't know ". A couple of days into the twelve days of Christmas and the truth of that kicked this idle mind into gear. Not the "overeating", that goes without saying, it's the greetings from relatives you don't know. And friends. And friends of friends. And acquaintances. And unknown numbers from WhatsApp Lists or known ones from WhatsApp groups. I'm not getting into Instagram here. You're probably thinking, "Here's Ebenezer Scrooge to spread his Christmas jeer" but I say, "Bah, humbug!" Old Eb never had social media to contend with. Between Cratchits and Hashtags he would have embraced the Ghost of Christmas Past and thrown away his device. Sorry for the literary references (What the Dickens is he talking about?) but that's really how the idle mind wanders. I got to thi...