Locked Down, Up or Out?

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay [As a departure from my usual stuff and nonsense, this is a quasi-serious post, based on calls I have had with people, fearing the prolonged extension and its aftermath which some futurists are expecting to last several months. I would seriously like you to consider the issues hidden beneath the surface here and please do leave comments and suggestions as to how the affected persons can best deal with things. Please share on your networks.] The Present Future The video I viewed today was from a guy who styles himself a 'futurist' - so now I have heard them all, futurists, defeatists, fatalists and evangelists as well as doomsday apologists. This particular guy insists that it's going to be a long time - even if the lock down lifts - to get back any semblance of normalcy. He does "data analysis" and says "years, not months". One Facebook wag posed a question: O nce we are back to work -- hope springs eternal -- will we...