Exam Fever? Don't Stress. This too shall pass!

[Published in The Telegraph's My Kolkata on 22 Jan 2024. You can read the original article here ] [A former high school teacher and a just-done parent of three takes a light-hearted look at what’s on everybody’s mind and tabletop this month - exams! It’s serious stuff, though, so don’t stress too much.] One of the most quoted lines about examinations was originally stated by Mr Tom Vianna, a rockstar teacher who was responsible for the success of thousands of young men back in the day. Mr V is famously quoted as saying, “Treat the ICSE as a pleasant interlude in your learning journey!” I’m not sure I got the words right, but the sentiment was clear: don’t bother yourself too much about the exams. And, true to this sentiment, his students literally breezed through the exams, having been there, done that a dozen times in class. There were batches of Xaverians who actually organised end-of-exam parties during the exams. They passed chits around which had list...