
Showing posts from September, 2024

Sports, Music and Challenges of Holistic Learning

 Published in My Kolkata [After the successes at the Paris Olympics and the Paralympics where the Indian flag has been hoisted quite frequently, the author - a teacher and casual musician - takes a serious look at how we strive to be holistic in our schools.] We’ve been unfurling the flag quite a bit in the last couple of months. Six medals in the Summer Olympics, then Independence Day and last week, 29 medals in the Paralympics. While we all rejoice in these small successes, there will be a bunch of naysayers who will keep creating and sending memes on WhatsApp.  One such meme rues the dearth of medals with the caption, “How can we aspire to medals in the Olympics with one period of forty minutes a week devoted to physical education in our schools?” Others are quick to add that we have just one “singing class” and pos...

On World First Aid Day - a Scoutmaster's view

 Published in My Kolkata [The second Saturday in September is World First Aid Day and this year the theme is First Aid in Sports and Games. The author, a one time Scoutmaster and teacher, gives us a heads up on basic First Aid for all - with a bit of laughter, the best medicine!] Everyone remembers Kiss Plaster, right?  You fell in the playground when you were little and ran to mommy for her instant kiss-and-fix.  More than the bruise, the bruised ego was repaired and you headed back for your game with enthusiasm. Mum’s the word in more ways than one.  At home, every little graze, cut, bruise, sprain or scald is first attended to by mom. Doctors are only required if things go bad.  In fact, there was a little bottle of homoeopathic pills which were trotted out to be placed under the tongue every time a kid got a bum...

Celebrating Teachers - our OG influencers

 Published in My Kolkata [With Teachers’ Day around the corner, an experienced educator - formerly known as Teacher - gives us his view of the day and all it signifies or hoped to, now and in the past. Any resemblance to  teachers you might know is purely coincidental and predictable.] Picture this: You pack up your books for the day, strip yourself of the necktie, slip into a loud shirt and head down to the local pub to play the guitar onstage when some older kids walk up and say, “Hi Sir!” with a knowing wink.  There are few professions which are “always on” like good WiFi - one of them is the Doctor and the other the Teacher. It’s a profession you can’t escape but we have designated just one day in a year to celebrate it - the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, philosopher, scholar, politician, President of In...