Opinions - of Olympic Proportions

Published in MyKolkata https://www.telegraphindia.com/my-kolkata/lifestyle/opinions-and-talking-points-of-2024-paris-olympic-games/cid/2042058 [An armchair sportsperson airs his views on what people talked about during the Olympics, paving the way to a new sport - Opinions!] The Olympics are unfair. In addition to all the sports at which we do not excel, they could have introduced an ancient event - Olympic Opinions. We might have won Gold if not Silver, Bronze and Fourth Place too. We could have been Lord of the Rings, all five of them. The Greeks shared their opinions at the Parthenon, which is back as a background on Olympic medals after a brief spot featuring the Roman Colloseum. But, alas, we are confined to sharing our views in Olypub - name changed from the original Olympia which has nothing to do with the Olympics either. In the past, the views would be bolstered by “evidence” such as “they said” and “I overheard”. But today we get far more d...