The Tree-mendous power of Christmas Trees!

[This is the third in the series of Christmas-themed articles for My Kolkata. You can read it online with all the bells and whistles. Click here ] Trees Are Green, Evergreen! The writer, the father of three one-time kids, recounts the variety of events loosely packaged as Christmas Tree Parties that define Our Kolkata in December The title of this piece is an old kiddie joke where some lady’s name was “Teresa Green” which of course brought a laugh to our baby faces. And that joke, I believe, remains evergreen like the pines we emulate every year. Emulate and simulate because pine trees don’t grow wild in my Kolkata, we are driven to Free School Street and New Market to purchase the trees grown from plastic and tinsel - foldable ones and trees that can be dismantled branch by branch and can probably be used next year, storage permitting. In our young days, and through the Enid Blyton years, we read and heard about “trimming” the trees - not what the KMC does afte...