Wordle Quordle Dordle Nerdle

[There are times when one is tempted to use four-letter words when faced with a problem. So, they created this five-letter version. Here's my take on some of the interesting things that happened along the way as I, like many others, got "hooked". Do leave a comment and let me know how you fared.] This fascination for the five-letter word at the stroke of midnight has caught the imagination of entire generations, older ones included. Wordle came into our lives surreptiously, insinuating itself into our consciousness without any fanfare. Within minutes of a WhatsApp message sent innocuously by someone with his or her first winning streak, we, too, were hooked. There were a lot of nay-sayers who famously misquoted Shakespeare: "What's in a game?", they asked as they sneakily searched for the answers themselves. Within weeks there were user groups who discussed and argued about certain words, the most famous one being too many options with th...